Exigent Response is a Health and Safety Institute (HSI) approved Training Center providing a wide range of training courses including: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (C.P.R.) Automated External Defibrillator (A.E.D.), First-Aid, Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP), Active Violence Emergency Response Training (AVERT), and more.
Each course is carefully tailored to meet your company's or individual needs.
Kevin Stewart is a certified instructor through Health and Safety Institute (HSI), including American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI), MEDIC First Aid, EMS Safety Services, and AVERT. Kevin was additionally certified in Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) through the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT).
Kevin's unique rage of skills allows him the ability to provide practical instruction for nearly any setting. Whether you are seeking to simply meet OSHA requirements for your company or enhance your individual skills to meet your lifestyle, Kevin will adapt to your needs.
Keep your friends and family alive until help arrives.
Learn these essential skills for everyday life.
Go beyond first aid to strengthen your home and community.
Learn the dangers of Blood Borne Pathogens and how to guard against them.
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